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Sunday, October 25, 2009

New color lenses Produced by Sakurina.

Hi! Shihoco is here~~
How was your weekend? for me, I didn't do anything special:-(
I just slept a lot!lol I was sleeping as a log...
For weekend, my circadian is totally messed up. I wake up at the afternoon , and I eat something (too late then I take a nap, I wake up again and I take my dog a walk, I go out small shopping...I got home, eat dinner, take a I'm writing this blog.
Actually, I went bed at 6AM this morning, what did I do until 6 in the morning??
I was watching DVD of BONES. I'm really into this program.
I checked that it is already shown to SEASON 5 in the US, but I'm still on SEASON 2 yet. You can see that I'm in DVD rental store all the

Anyway, I went small shopping and I got new color lenses.
This lens is from CandyMagic.

let me show you which one I got this time.


Inside the package.


then I opened it.


Next time, I will update the pic of I'm wearing those.
I have no energy today to wear this and take good picture of my

I'm listening with iTune of songs of Perfume.

I really recommend this song to you.
They are amazing.
This song makes me feeling like to go club. Very intoxicating sounds.




  1. Those lenses look lovely plus I love Sakurina:)

    Awesome song too,I've never really listened to perfume(will now thanks)

  2. Lanna:D
    yeah, I really like Sakurina too. Those lenses are designed by Sakurina.
    I will show you other Perfume's songs in here:)
