Thank you for leaving your comments to my blog, I will visit your blog and write back on your entry as soon as possible. I always welcome to get your comments or questions, Thank u.

Thursday, April 8, 2010


I just got home now.
My eyes are so dry and tired. I go bed asap.

my nails are getting messy.(ノд<。)゜。

Today was long day...

good night!!



  1. you are so beautiful

  2. You don't look tired. You're so cute and I love your hair.

    By the way, thanks for posting about the Mezaik Stretch Fiber. I bought it and it arrived yesterday. I tried it and so far it seems to be working well.

    Aizu is finally getting ume and sakura buds so my son said that in a few weeks they should start blooming.


  3. Momoko chan

    Thank you very much!!
    I think you are more more beautiful than me^^

  4. Kat-san

    Thank you so much!

    I'm so glad if you like my tutorial of how to use MEZAIK, I'll update another tutorial as soon as I can for more details of using MEZAIK.

    Nice! Nagano is same, maybe we need one more week for blooming Sakura.
